Acquisition of Pieter's Kaashandel by Kaashandel G. v.d. Heiden

Acquisition of Pieter's Kaashandel by Kaashandel G. v.d. Heiden

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The brothers Teunis and Maarten-Jan van der Heiden (also owners of Van der Heiden Cheese Services V.O.F and Kaashandel G. van der Heiden V.O.F.) acquired an equity interest in Pieter's Kaashandel B.V. through their company Van der Heiden Cheese Packaging Services B.V. The team of Rembrandt Mergers & Acquisitions advised the Van der Heiden brothers on realising this strategic partnership and on refinancing Pieter's Kaas after the transaction.

Piete'rs Kaas has over 20 years of experience in slicing and packaging of cheese. The company offers a wide range of wholesale and consumer products.

Van der Heiden Cheese Services focuses entirely on providing services to the cheese industry. Among others these activities inlcude ripening, labeling, banding, waxing, packaging, storing and distributing of cheese. For more information see:

This intensive collaboration creates an independent full-service provider in the cheese industry offering a full range of services.

Our specialists are here to help.