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Are you exit-ready?

I'll be time: the sale of your company. However, how do you approach this? The preparation of your company for sale requires time and attention, but often leads to a successful sale on the best terms.

One day

Therefore, we offer an exit-readiness scan. An in-depth analysis, featuring crucial focus points for a successful sales process, with the optimal result: personal, legal, strategic, and financial.

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Is your business ready to be sold?

The exit-readiness scan is a tailor-made analysis, specific to your organization. What factors require your attention now, and what topics can be addressed later? By creating a well-thought-out plan for the future sale of your business, you have plenty of time to optimize the value-driving factors of your enterprise.

A favorable initial impression is crucial when marketing your business for sale. For potential buyers, it should be immediately apparent why they should acquire your enterprise. A well-organized company, with efficient business processes, is appealing to interested parties, as it demonstrates that your business is structured, financially sound, and profitable.

In addition to the operational and financial preparations, the sale of your business can evoke significant emotional considerations. Important questions arise, around succession, the fate of current personnel, and whether you will continue (temporarily) as the director. The exit-readiness scan is your guide in preparing both yourself and your company for future sale.

  • Caspár Bijleveld

    Caspár Bijleveld


    "The sale of your company often demands significant energy. The better you prepare yourself for this phase, the greater the likelihood that you can successfully and confidently sell your business, enabling you to seamlessly transition into the subsequent phase with peace of mind."

    Meet Caspár Bijleveld

Avoid surprises

Our exit readiness scan addresses several aspects. Being well-prepared is conducive to an efficient sales process and prevents unwelcome surprises at crucial times.

Sample questions

  • Which legal and fiscal aspects require your attention?
  • What are the essential factors that determine your business' value?
  • What is the influence of investments in working capital?
  • What is the quality of (financial) business information available?
  • What steps can you take to optimise these components?

Next steps

In conjunction with the exit-ready assessment, we can conduct an indicative valuation of your business. This provides you with a solid baseline for any future proceedings. We would be pleased to engage in further discussion and provide support.

More information on valuations

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Exit readiness: optimal preparation for a potential sale


Meet and discuss with the Rembrandt M&A team. We understand the inquiries at hand, are familiar with the dynamics of the acquisition process, and provide a network full of opportunities. Contact us today to explore how we can assist in your specific situation.

Our advisors are here to help.