Acquisitions Kinderopvang BuitenGewoon by Kibeo

Acquisitions Kinderopvang BuitenGewoon by Kibeo

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Stichting Kibeo acquired 100% of the shares in BuitenGewoon B.V. Rembrandt Mergers & Acquisitions assisted the buyer in realizing this transaction.

Stichting Kibeo
Stichting Kibeo is a childcare organization with over 40 years of experience in the sector child care. The company has more than 160 locations spread across Zeeland, South Holland, North Brabant, Utrecht and Gelderland. With over 8,000 child places, Kibeo is one of the largest childcare providers in the Netherlands. For Kibeo, the purchase of Kinderopvang BuitenGewoon means an expansion of their market position in West-Brabant.

More information is available at: Stichting Kibeo.

Kinderopvang BuitenGewoon B.V.
Kinderdagverblijf BuitenGewoon offers childcare and after-school care for children aged 0 to 13. The company has 2 vertical groups, a 3+ group and a after-school group based at one location in Den Hout (near Oosterhout). Outdoor life and outdoor play is at the heart of the organisation.

More information is available at: KDV BuitenGewoon.

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