Greenco Holding B.V. has sold its two greenhouses in Someren ( GP Someren B.V., Driemaster Vastgoed B.V. and Driemaster B.V.) to Kwekerij W.A. Peters B.V. Rembrandt Mergers & Acquisitions advised the seller in realizing this transaction.
Greenco, founding father of the Tommies, was the first to introduce the Netherlands to snack tomatoes. Over the years, it expanded its range of snack vegetables not only with various innovative and tasty tomato varieties, but also with snack cucumbers and snack bell peppers.
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Wim Peters Kwekerijen
Wim Peters Kwekerijen is a third generation Dutch tomato grower who supplies the Roma tomato under its own name and mark. Wim Peters also grows tomatoes for third parties. With this transaction Wim Peters has taken over the cultivation locations of Greenco in Someren. These cultivation locations are adjacent to Wim Peters' own greenhouses, resulting in a larger cultivated area.
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